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更新时间:2025-03-24 11:20:16

civil war

英 [ˈsivl wɔ:]

美 [ˈsɪvəl wɔr]


第三人称复数:civil wars

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1. a war between factions in the same country

1. 内战
A civil war is a war which is fought between different groups of people who live in the same country.

e.g. ...the Spanish Civil War.

1. civil war什么意思

1. 美國內戰:约翰.比林斯(John Billings)是美国内战(Civil War)时期的陆军军医处处长,后来成为纽约公立图书馆(New York Public Library)的首任馆长. 他在其文章中提到,在他所调查过的部队中宗教似乎可以减少部队的死亡人数. 不过,

2. 国内战争:但庆幸的是,1817年所有蒸馏酒消费税又被废止了,直到美国国内战争(Civil War)爆发前的四十多年里,蒸馏酒又进入了一个很稳定的发展期,这就为鸡尾酒时代的来临奠定了基础.

The conflict degenerating into civil war is everybody's nightmare scenario.(这场冲突恶化成内战成为每个人的恶梦。)
We cannot take sides in a civil war.(内战中,我们不能支持任何一方。)
The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War.(该文件的日期可以从其对内战的提及处推算出来。)
He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.(他暗示此次内战是上天的惩罚。)
He is currently writing a dissertation on the Somali civil war.(他正在写一篇关于索马里内战的论文。)
There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.(总统的下台是否会结束内战现在还很难说。)
His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.(他的教堂成了数千逃避内战的人们的一个避难所。)
The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday.(昨天内战夺走了一位联合国译员的生命。)
Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war.(各共和国之间紧张的民族关系可能导致内战。)
The country has been ravaged by civil war.(这个国家被内战摧毁了。)
civil war是什么意思 civil war在线翻译 civil war什么意思 civil war的意思 civil war的翻译 civil war的解释 civil war的发音 civil war的同义词